
Поршень Игольчатый Подшипник для HUSQVARNA Машины [#503255601, #501511301, #503733901]

549,87 руб
В наличии
268 K
268 Special
272 K
272 S
272 XP
356 BF, 356 BF X-Series
356 BT, 356 BT X-Series
357 XP, 357 XP EPA
359, 359 EPA
362 XP & EPA
362 XP Special & EPA
365, 365 EPA
365 Special & EPA
371 K, 371 K EPA
371 XP & EPA
372 XP & EPA
372 X-TORQ, 372 XPW EPA
570 XP & EPA
575 XP & EPA
576 XP & EPA
K 750
K 760

This listing is about a brand new after-market Piston Pin Bearing which fits the above HUSQVARNAЗапчасти для HUSQVARNA машины models, and replaces OEM Part #503 25 56-01. Note: OEM Part #503 25 56-01 replaced part numbers #501 51 13-01, and #503 73 39-01.

Technical Note: This bearing fits HUSQVARNA 357 XP machines after S/N 020700002. 357XP users who are uncertain about the OEM Part Number of their bearing, or the S/N of their machine should verify that the width of the connecting rod's head is 15mm.

    This high-performance Piston Pin Bearing comes directly from
    a top-quality ISO-certified Manufacturer.


    This top-quality Piston Pin Bearing is covered by a 2-year warranty.

    No Exporters - No Intermediaries
    You buy at a competitive price, because we buy directly from the source!

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